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Advisory Board

Ton Bastein

Ton Bastein

Ton (A.G.T.M.) Bastein (1960) has a Ph.D. in chemistry (Heterogeneous Catalysis, Leiden, 1988) and works at TNO since 1993. Since 2010 he has focused his work on research in the area of raw materials availability, resource efficiency and circular economy. He supported...

Garam Bel

Garam Bel

Garam Bel is the Circular Economy Coordinator for the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) of the International Telecommunication Union based in Geneva. He coordinates the electronic waste projects in BDT covering regulatory development and data collection....

Jan Clyncke

Jan Clyncke

Jan Clyncke joined PV CYCLE as Managing Director as of April 1, 2008. He graduated with a Bachelor of Law from the University of Ghent (Belgium) in 1991 and continued his studies at Ehsal (Logistics Management) and Vlerick Management School (Management). In his early...

Luisa Crisigiovanni

Luisa Crisigiovanni

She deals with consumers’ law for more than 25 years and advocates for consumers rights at national and international level. After a degree in Political Sciences about European and International law in 1992 at Milan University, she specialized in Communication and EU...

Marius Costache

Marius Costache

Marius Costache is the CEO of GreenWEEE, with over 15+ years of experience in waste management industry, with focus on collection and recycling of e-waste and packaging waste. Since 2016, he is member of the board of directors of EERA - European Electronics Recyclers...

David Fitzsimons

David Fitzsimons

David Fitzsimons is Director or the European Remanufacturing Council in Brussels. Remanufacturing is an industrial process to extend the life of used products during which products are disassembled, repaired, tested and returned to use, as new. The sector has sales of...

Vanessa Gray

Vanessa Gray

Vanessa Gray works for the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations specialized agency in charge of digital technologies. Vanessa leads the Development Sector’s work on Emergency Telecommunications and the Environment. She coordinates the work...

Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson

 Dept. of Electronic & Computer Engineering, UL., BEng (Honours) Electronic Engineering, University of Limerick, 1995; MEng (Computer Systems), University of Limerick, 2001; PhD, University of Limerick, 2013; MA (Teaching & Learning), 2020.  Dr. Johsnon is a...

Dirk Nelen

Dirk Nelen

Dirk Nelen is part of the Research Group for Sustainable Materials Technology at the Flemish Institute for Technological Research, VITO. He holds a MSc in Bioscience Engineering. As a senior researcher on sustainable resources management, he contributes to the...

Joseph Okeme

Joseph Okeme

Joseph Okeme is an Assistant Professor in Chemistry and Chemical Biology, McMaster University, and a Scientist at the Occupational Cancer Research Centre, Cancer Care Ontario-Ontario Health (OCRC-OH), Canada. His interdisciplinary research program focuses on advancing...

Sebastian Schormann

Sebastian Schormann

Sebastian Schormann is Head of Sales for b2c WEEE recycling in Germany at REMONDIS Electrorecycling GmbH. He is also Managing Director at WEEE Return GmbH which offers international WEEE compliance services as well as setting up and running take back systems.

Eduard Wagner

Eduard Wagner

Eduard is the Vice Group Manager (System Networks and Communication Technologies) at Fraunhofer IZM. Currently he works on various projects related to environmental assessments and the digital product passport:  project coordinator of “Product Information 4.0”...