Eduard is the Vice Group Manager (System Networks and Communication Technologies) at Fraunhofer IZM. Currently he works on various projects related to environmental assessments and the digital product passport:
- project coordinator of “Product Information 4.0” (German Environmental Agency, 29 month);
- work package leader in “CIRPASS” (EU, 18 month) for the information architecture as well as leader of the electronic sector;
- work package leader in INCREACE on ecodesign and environmental assessment in context of WEEE recycling.
Furthermore, he works as a consultant to industry partners for the implementation of the EPREL database and preparation on the product passport.Eduard started at the Fraunhofer IZM in 2013 and he works as research assistant at TU Berlin since 2015. He has equally been PhD student in the field of digitization and sustainability, especially circular data value creation since 2017. His focus is on the question of whether and how data from the product life cycle can be used for sustainability.
Eduard examines possible data potential from various phases including use phase, repair and recycling. He holds a master’s degree in industrial engineering from the TU Braunschweig. He led various app, software and web development projects, developed measures and metrics for the computer-aided assessment of the environmental impact of electronic products and analyzed the European plastics recycling market with regard to the potential for developing a raw material trading platform.