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- File Size 297.76 KB
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- Create Date January 8, 2025
- Last Updated January 8, 2025
This is a fact sheet containing systematic and standardised information about a certain standard, certificate, product label or legislation that is connected to circular economy and circularity assessment. The fact sheet’s purpose to provide you with information about this certain document at a glance, thus enabling you to orientate yourself in the landscape of circular economy standards, certificates, labels and legislations, compare different documents and decide which interest you the most for whatever purpose you might have.
The fact sheet is structured in 3 major parts. The first section contains basic information about the document itself: its name, the year of its publication and organization it is produced by. The second section contains a basic description of the document’s content: what regions it is applicable in, what products and/or services it is applied to and what circularity aspects it addresses as well as a free text about its content. tesThe third section “comparison” is only applicable for documents that contain a methodology for the assessment of a product’s circularity. It contains a detailed description of the applied process as well as the required input data and the produced outcomes.